Aspen healing SOUND HEALING Scotland
What is Sound Healing ?
Everything has an energetic frequency therefore everything has a sound
- even if we can't 'hear' it
Even YOU have a sound
When we speak about 'Sound healing' we are generally referring to the use of vibrational frequencies
such as those from e.g. musical instruments, song, vocal tones or even the voice vibration of speech
to assist in the re-tuning of a persons energy system.
This in turn restores harmony to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Sound healing, as I currently work with it, specifically uses the frequencies of musical tuning forks
saying that I am finding more 'sounds' being called into my treatment room
- waiting to find their place in my work and in our work together.
Alongside 'the forks' are - Koshi chimes, harp and frame drums .
Some clients feel particularly drawn to the option of healing by Sound
and no wonder - it is an ancient healing art.
Using sound as a tool for healing we can not only stimulate the bodies own healing response by
literally bring it back into harmony but we can experience a state of profound relaxation.
In a sound healing session you will lie or sit fully clothed.
In the session the energy system is cleared of static and re-balanced with a variety of tuning forks.
Work can be done using the musical octave, by working with the perfect 5th C and G body tuners
or with the lower frequencies of the OM tuners.
Specific treatments can be done with sound on different areas of the body
E.g. Spine, Joints, Chakras, etc.
Every part of our body will ‘hear’ and respond to the frequencies of sound.
We all know the deep connection our bodies feel to 'sound' from the emotional response that
can arise instantly when listening to certain music.
Every living thing including our Different individual body tissues, organs, etc
have their own natural frequencies or resonance
As harmonic sound enters the auric field and the body, sympathetic vibrations occur in the cells
Through “bio-resonance” the frequency of the tuning fork sounds support gentle
re-alignment and flow of energy to harmonise and ‘remind’ cells of their perfect pattern (sound ratios).
For health and well-being the vibrations of the tuning fork can help to raise
low frequency energy blocks and /or to remove them from the auric field.
As with all Vibrational and Energy Medicine techniques Sound healing will address issues on the
physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels.
This method can be used as an individual treatment or in combination with the other
energy medicine techniques offered.
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