I thought I would share an experience I had a few years ago in the hope that it may help anyone who is drawn to hear it.
I was lying in bed one evening staring at the ceiling and suddenly, with the utmost clarity, I had a kind of knowing or almost like a FACT drop into me that 'we ARE love'.... made of pure pulsating love. It then came as an image, like a representation, to show me this in the form of a kind of 'remembering' of my 'self ' as I was in the womb. Or even as if it might have been before entering 'me' in the womb. I guess it was one of those moments where something aligns and comes into connection ... and we are shown something ... sort of feeling like a memory but not quite.
What I 'saw / remembered' was ‘me’ as a foetus (looking about 7 wks) and in my centre was this incredible shining bright kind of radiating light energy and what I saw, remembered was a knowing or recalling that we ARE ‘made of’ 100% pure love - 'love' as an energetic substance and we just ARE that substance - Love. LOVE IS US and WE ARE LOVE.
It was so clear like a FACT – and it suddenly seemed really strange that in life we have all these other things that we call 'love' or think love is and how we turn love into a kind of idea or a verb and even into separate ‘love‘ categories. This seemed so odd suddenly compared to this 100% pure complete love substance that I seeing that we are. As if somehow we are born and we forget and in our forgetting 'that we are love' we start to think love to be something we DO or experience rather than something we already ARE. We start to see love as an action or an experience or a ‘doing’ thing when actually it is a ‘matter’ or an actual kind of living thing or a ‘being‘ thing.
As I had this 'insight' - I then felt a kind of shock in my body. I felt the contrast of how before our birth we FULLY KNOW ourselves to be this 'LOVE' and how incredible that feels, but then after birth we plunge into a horror or illusion where we have forgotten this - when we no longer feel or remember that we ARE this LOVE anymore and start to treat ourselves unkindly as if we are broken and need fixing. Something about this comparison of having seen what we really are made of, and then the contrast of how we ‘forget’ this and what it does to us to not know ourselves to be this anymore, made me feel a kind of deep nausea. The seeing of the beauty we are and then the cruelty caused by our misunderstanding.
I was in awe that our spirit makes this incredible choice to connect to the form of a tiny body; it then makes the incredible journey of entering it and then the growing of more of all those cells that become ‘US’. Cells that are US as this physical manifestation of ‘PURE LOVE’ and know themselves only to be that love.
...And THEN we go through the incredible journey of being born - driven by our ‘will to live’ and - BAM - somehow after our birth (or even before) we begin forgetting we are this love – I was left knowing (and forgetting again!) from that experience that before any 'trauma' trains us to think otherwise - we KNOW at a deep cell level that we are ‘pure love’ – where everything about us just IS this.
We come into form from that, we ARE born that and we go back to that. The continuous cycle of love. The constant cycle of remembering and forgetting. The cycles of nature.
… Because of this there is no way we can’t ‘love ourselves’ because we are that ‘love’ ... Love is us. Self is Love. Love is self. So it isn't 'love ourselves' but 'ourselves is love' and a re-connection to a deep inner respect and reverence.
Nothing about us is broken or needs 'fixing'... so it is not about 'doing anything' but about clearing the fog of interfering thoughts and beliefs that stop us remembering and 'just being' that which we already are and always have been. Us being love, radiating us as love, as part of the whole – which is all ‘Love’.
It feels to me that if we are ill or unwell then it is just that these are the bits of us that have got stuck in the fog and have 'forgotten the most' that they ARE this LOVE – and the symptom is highlighting where in the body that a forgetting or misunderstanding is held - and that all our bodies want to be able to ‘do’ to be well is to be free of interference to ‘express this remembering’ again – to know fully live itself as this LOVE that it is.
The more cells that remember the more we become 'BEING LOVE' and there is nothing to 'DO' other than 'BE THAT’. As we let go and naturally become more and more 'remembered' as the love substance that we already are - then the more we feel 'well' and radiate something that can help all other cells remember too.
The more we turn towards this 'remembering of the love that we are' then we not only experience this as health in 'our own cells' but we become like a beacon radiating this possibility to others and others who 'remember' will also start to resonate with us.
This is like an energetic transmission where one ‘Being of love’ silently, energetically helps to awaken the remembering in another being that ‘they too are love’.
The love of ONE who has remembered infusing with the LOVE of the OTHER who is remembering – resistance to remembering arising and passing and both lives changing as a result.
Life starts to magnetically draw towards it more of everything that resonates with 'Being Love' and effortless transformations occur.
It feels that if we could fully let go of our forgetting and allow our cells to freely sink into this knowing / remembering - then we can heal instantly. Not because of pushing on in a ‘fighting and trying with all our might kind of way’ or due to a thought or an action but just because of finding that we always naturally return to that knowing and remembering again in ourselves.
The gentle place where we just are love and that is it.
We can fall back into this knowing.... fall back into this Space of Love that we all are equally ... no matter how much 'forgetting' occurred.
A few weeks after this when I could remember the experience but couldn’t really feel the feeling of it anymore and I was getting caught in ‘What to do’…. I sat and asked for higher/ inner guidance about it.
I asked, “How can I access the knowing / remembering I am love to heal my fear ?”... This is what back to me and I wrote it as I heard it - my hope is that in times of need and overwhelm in your life it may help you, just as I am learning how to work with it in mine:
“Even when you feel tight and closed and scared try to stay open to receiving. The love is there anyway, it is all around you, it is not something that needs to be found, you are bathed in it all the time, you just need to notice it is there, allow it to penetrate, allow it to come into your body like the air that you breathe. It will heal you, it IS YOU and you are it.
There is nothing to understand. Nothing you need to understand that you do not already know. You just need to be it, be still, be open, be alive and it will manifest within you and be visible to you in a way that you can trust with all your heart. There is nothing to be scared of, and because of that, fear has no place. It is useless.
Bathe yourself in pink, be pink all around you. It is easy to see everything small but think bigger – tap into the expanse around you, the expanse that IS YOU. Nothing else is important. You are at one with all you need – if you can just see that then fear is healed, fruitless. The path is there before you. “
Alfi Spencer
I was lying in bed one evening staring at the ceiling and suddenly, with the utmost clarity, I had a kind of knowing or almost like a FACT drop into me that 'we ARE love'.... made of pure pulsating love. It then came as an image, like a representation, to show me this in the form of a kind of 'remembering' of my 'self ' as I was in the womb. Or even as if it might have been before entering 'me' in the womb. I guess it was one of those moments where something aligns and comes into connection ... and we are shown something ... sort of feeling like a memory but not quite.
What I 'saw / remembered' was ‘me’ as a foetus (looking about 7 wks) and in my centre was this incredible shining bright kind of radiating light energy and what I saw, remembered was a knowing or recalling that we ARE ‘made of’ 100% pure love - 'love' as an energetic substance and we just ARE that substance - Love. LOVE IS US and WE ARE LOVE.
It was so clear like a FACT – and it suddenly seemed really strange that in life we have all these other things that we call 'love' or think love is and how we turn love into a kind of idea or a verb and even into separate ‘love‘ categories. This seemed so odd suddenly compared to this 100% pure complete love substance that I seeing that we are. As if somehow we are born and we forget and in our forgetting 'that we are love' we start to think love to be something we DO or experience rather than something we already ARE. We start to see love as an action or an experience or a ‘doing’ thing when actually it is a ‘matter’ or an actual kind of living thing or a ‘being‘ thing.
As I had this 'insight' - I then felt a kind of shock in my body. I felt the contrast of how before our birth we FULLY KNOW ourselves to be this 'LOVE' and how incredible that feels, but then after birth we plunge into a horror or illusion where we have forgotten this - when we no longer feel or remember that we ARE this LOVE anymore and start to treat ourselves unkindly as if we are broken and need fixing. Something about this comparison of having seen what we really are made of, and then the contrast of how we ‘forget’ this and what it does to us to not know ourselves to be this anymore, made me feel a kind of deep nausea. The seeing of the beauty we are and then the cruelty caused by our misunderstanding.
I was in awe that our spirit makes this incredible choice to connect to the form of a tiny body; it then makes the incredible journey of entering it and then the growing of more of all those cells that become ‘US’. Cells that are US as this physical manifestation of ‘PURE LOVE’ and know themselves only to be that love.
...And THEN we go through the incredible journey of being born - driven by our ‘will to live’ and - BAM - somehow after our birth (or even before) we begin forgetting we are this love – I was left knowing (and forgetting again!) from that experience that before any 'trauma' trains us to think otherwise - we KNOW at a deep cell level that we are ‘pure love’ – where everything about us just IS this.
We come into form from that, we ARE born that and we go back to that. The continuous cycle of love. The constant cycle of remembering and forgetting. The cycles of nature.
… Because of this there is no way we can’t ‘love ourselves’ because we are that ‘love’ ... Love is us. Self is Love. Love is self. So it isn't 'love ourselves' but 'ourselves is love' and a re-connection to a deep inner respect and reverence.
Nothing about us is broken or needs 'fixing'... so it is not about 'doing anything' but about clearing the fog of interfering thoughts and beliefs that stop us remembering and 'just being' that which we already are and always have been. Us being love, radiating us as love, as part of the whole – which is all ‘Love’.
It feels to me that if we are ill or unwell then it is just that these are the bits of us that have got stuck in the fog and have 'forgotten the most' that they ARE this LOVE – and the symptom is highlighting where in the body that a forgetting or misunderstanding is held - and that all our bodies want to be able to ‘do’ to be well is to be free of interference to ‘express this remembering’ again – to know fully live itself as this LOVE that it is.
The more cells that remember the more we become 'BEING LOVE' and there is nothing to 'DO' other than 'BE THAT’. As we let go and naturally become more and more 'remembered' as the love substance that we already are - then the more we feel 'well' and radiate something that can help all other cells remember too.
The more we turn towards this 'remembering of the love that we are' then we not only experience this as health in 'our own cells' but we become like a beacon radiating this possibility to others and others who 'remember' will also start to resonate with us.
This is like an energetic transmission where one ‘Being of love’ silently, energetically helps to awaken the remembering in another being that ‘they too are love’.
The love of ONE who has remembered infusing with the LOVE of the OTHER who is remembering – resistance to remembering arising and passing and both lives changing as a result.
Life starts to magnetically draw towards it more of everything that resonates with 'Being Love' and effortless transformations occur.
It feels that if we could fully let go of our forgetting and allow our cells to freely sink into this knowing / remembering - then we can heal instantly. Not because of pushing on in a ‘fighting and trying with all our might kind of way’ or due to a thought or an action but just because of finding that we always naturally return to that knowing and remembering again in ourselves.
The gentle place where we just are love and that is it.
We can fall back into this knowing.... fall back into this Space of Love that we all are equally ... no matter how much 'forgetting' occurred.
A few weeks after this when I could remember the experience but couldn’t really feel the feeling of it anymore and I was getting caught in ‘What to do’…. I sat and asked for higher/ inner guidance about it.
I asked, “How can I access the knowing / remembering I am love to heal my fear ?”... This is what back to me and I wrote it as I heard it - my hope is that in times of need and overwhelm in your life it may help you, just as I am learning how to work with it in mine:
“Even when you feel tight and closed and scared try to stay open to receiving. The love is there anyway, it is all around you, it is not something that needs to be found, you are bathed in it all the time, you just need to notice it is there, allow it to penetrate, allow it to come into your body like the air that you breathe. It will heal you, it IS YOU and you are it.
There is nothing to understand. Nothing you need to understand that you do not already know. You just need to be it, be still, be open, be alive and it will manifest within you and be visible to you in a way that you can trust with all your heart. There is nothing to be scared of, and because of that, fear has no place. It is useless.
Bathe yourself in pink, be pink all around you. It is easy to see everything small but think bigger – tap into the expanse around you, the expanse that IS YOU. Nothing else is important. You are at one with all you need – if you can just see that then fear is healed, fruitless. The path is there before you. “
Alfi Spencer
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